

An ancient ritual, wherein Imperials (such as Iberians, Rom ans , Hanjo, or East Chinese) would hunt those committing fraud of narcotics, the use of currency (coins, developed in the 25,000) to represent baby soothing and food/work related goods (ranging from sugar and bacon, to cannabis and alcohol), however requesting via prayer (being under hypnotized state, to request as if thinking as other receiving to self). From 1971-1981, with a month on the tail, up to 19,000 witch burnings occurred per year, to place Indonesian trance specialists in sanskrit camps to cure them with Hindi tattoos, the second ritual, Abra-Brahma, the gift of children from infantry leaders to India, for more classes of Brahmin.   Since 1989, we've been dueling the Kosovar Independence Movement, an anti-drug movement out of East Turkey and Yugoslavia, with multiple purges of hypnotists and prayer leaders and genocides induced, with the final quarantine nets for deportments and contagion incinerations occurri...

Famous Jacobin Inventions (Elks Club)

Ali: Fasting a straight man, through insulting his bowels; a cop. Sharif: Paperwork, the act of endowment to state, for having home. Shaykh: Borders, the mutual argument of spouses as to war, as cover for lesbian sex, "club". James: Witch trials, torture for those making reasonable exception, unless accepted by reasonable torture.  Longshanks: Knights classes, those field executions to make war polite, hence the morale of farmer advanced by perpetuaty machine, munitions, created by "wizard".   Drake: The swearing of spouse to refuse sex, for the obese with cloven hoof, exclusively the line; screaming and shouting irrationally, reserved for Drake, the hero raised as the brightest with same father as Drake, to be sent to federal prison, all others to drink fructose and sugar. Pitcairn: Massed infantry tactics as damnation, the scan of the eye supplemented by snakes, the blood of the "Devil"; high whiskey, like found on the "Dark Continent", Austral...

Viper-2 SIS (New England Koran Province)

 "Bane": 2018, freed from Texas psychiatric ward, to Dublin orphan export, female's orphan ward. Placed with gamers, "losers", in Russian federalist terms; Scarecrow modifier, with Mace Marine family, "Aishans", "black Irish". "Man-Bat": 1939, deaf O'Neill; dodged Poraujmos, by faking Gypsy, went to Auschwitz instead of Buchenwald. Dr. Josef Mengele, never recovered; odd whistle developed, while in surgeries. "Mad Monk": 1213, Estonian witch hunts. Cardinal, captured nine live boys, all on Cardinal's Orange, haze of Ash Wednesday orphans, to become gendarmes (military cops, equivalent to INTERPOL, Vidocqs). Alleged plague, revealed to be pregnancies, upon coroners examination; a "badfish", they called the revered children, "Institutionalists", in prisons. Future Catholics, Secret Order of Viscardi. "Scarecrow": 1597, Sister Superior of Orthodoxies, deployed with "Apostles" te...

Romeo and Juliet

The Twin Roses: Modern wars, are depicted in movement and art, with the movement comprising the removed from influence, poorly genetically adapted to vice and technology working together, and the art, displaying the traps, for those dependent in education on an assigned symbol of meaning.  This works together as a sexual symbol, the Palestinians and Ottomans, of the X, a cross on a diamond, with the diamond shape, moving through all four spokes, the trapped unit for removal from genome and class of training, in combined form.  Through Jewish mark of rights, we find the removal trait of improper educated, through military combat.  This system, relies on police, with international links, trusting locality; otherwise, the regime changes, through conscription applied, secret societies.  Montague Gay, is diversity culture, classified under a form of Jewish, with a location genocide by own leader, “Most Gay”, man as lesbian, with sexual symbol (as opposed to symbol, assi...

Cambodian Primer

Prince: Vietnamese pearl divers.  Typefied by "crocodile tears", unable to emote song to realified form.  They don't know what joy is, they have it at all times. Qureshi: The mustache man, with a vagina.  Arab women, wearing a "pachi",a red and white cross-hatch sheih, the head dress commonly associated with Arab men.  Rules on clothing, therefore diet, among "Jews", those disliked for reasons of intellect.  A notoriously dumb people. Dungannon: A chandala variant, the grave diggers of India; inventors of the wheelchair, through the chandala line, chaining multiple sclerotics, the Kings, to Hell, their invention, "Christianity", with death, birth defect, disease, poverty, starvation, and suffering as the result.  The Dungannon variant, of the chandala, is known as a criminal's keeper, picking up archaic forms of criminal fraud, always related to children's exploitation, chiefly to make music with self as victim, to create new movement...

British Noble Order Traps

  Giddra: Golden Gloves.  When playing Golden Gloves, with a cheat, there is a lever down, whereas when being cheated, there is a lever up.  When enhancing, with a Bonders, someone whose mother didn't have wine before birth, only beer (a radish), it is a win against a Sicilian, someone whose mother didn't eat pork (a fag), but when de-enhancing it is a victory against a Giddra, someone siding against the illusionary space, the Mu.   Scottish: Scottish Golf.  If ever having played golf, you are a victim, of a Manx, from being reliant on a physical implement, or if in the mind, a symbol, any society with golf courses, relying on fraud of contract harming self, henc value is removed, however if Jewish and drawing value in a circle, it functions in a spined shekel, the waged employee suffers, and the employer's taxes, are non-tracked, racketeering.  Manx cannot play golf, unless mini-putt, a team mate, unable to betray them, unless invoking logo (the Scotti...


 Supply and Demand: The stock of supply, is calculated by the sales of warehouse distributor, through "sales", the excess goods of quantity held in distribution warehouse therefore under price offered at distributor of sales.  The price cannot be cut, unless to spot embezzler at wills and executor of firm, the anti-Semite, the claim of town to funding of government, the nullification of politician. Commodity Sciences: The extraction, processing, logistics, storage, and pay of employee, upon salary, is modified by wage, the shekel's circumference calculation to benefit those paid, instead of those paying, the particular grouping of logic having been designed to remove from pay of ownership through sponsorship by politician having offered residential benefit through land held by manufacturary. Payment of Town Clientele: The profit of each business held through excess good, that of infrastructure calculated through subsidy of government in federated form of tax drawn, is the...