
An ancient ritual, wherein Imperials (such as Iberians, Romans, Hanjo, or East Chinese) would hunt those committing fraud of narcotics, the use of currency (coins, developed in the 25,000) to represent baby soothing and food/work related goods (ranging from sugar and bacon, to cannabis and alcohol), however requesting via prayer (being under hypnotized state, to request as if thinking as other receiving to self).
From 1971-1981, with a month on the tail, up to 19,000 witch burnings occurred per year, to place Indonesian trance specialists in sanskrit camps to cure them with Hindi tattoos, the second ritual, Abra-Brahma, the gift of children from infantry leaders to India, for more classes of Brahmin.  
Since 1989, we've been dueling the Kosovar Independence Movement, an anti-drug movement out of East Turkey and Yugoslavia, with multiple purges of hypnotists and prayer leaders and genocides induced, with the final quarantine nets for deportments and contagion incinerations occurring.
The most famous was the crucifiction of Christ, betrayed by our own kin, the Jews; violent, considering Jews had the same muscular strength and reflexes, without the hectares per cropland water table and bedrock underearth sense, Gaia; the reason for our narcotics trade.  
Hence, we've developed firearms from Christ's torture with metal phalanges in the rectum, the Parables, and whipped metal spikes across his back, Deutoronomy, along with drunk prize fighter bouts, Epistles, and the Temple on the Mount, chess gaming mechanics replayed in writer's theory to induce fugue states (homosexuality) in those having sexually traumatized others as children without discipline.  
Plus, enslavement of Aborginal populaces as mercenaries for blood, such as Pole Trogolodytes, Chinese Paleoliith Cro Magnons, Ainu, Maori, Polynesians, Detch, Sidhe, Tuatha Aishans, Tatars, Mongols, and Mestizo.
The advantage to the strategy, is that it prevents parasites on living of locality, allowing children to be free as peasants, unless becoming rich, us; the term for merry of wealth in peasantry or idyle revolt of rule, household.


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