British Noble Order Traps


Giddra: Golden Gloves.  When playing Golden Gloves, with a cheat, there is a lever down, whereas when being cheated, there is a lever up.  When enhancing, with a Bonders, someone whose mother didn't have wine before birth, only beer (a radish), it is a win against a Sicilian, someone whose mother didn't eat pork (a fag), but when de-enhancing it is a victory against a Giddra, someone siding against the illusionary space, the Mu.


Scottish: Scottish Golf.  If ever having played golf, you are a victim, of a Manx, from being reliant on a physical implement, or if in the mind, a symbol, any society with golf courses, relying on fraud of contract harming self, henc value is removed, however if Jewish and drawing value in a circle, it functions in a spined shekel, the waged employee suffers, and the employer's taxes, are non-tracked, racketeering.  Manx cannot play golf, unless mini-putt, a team mate, unable to betray them, unless invoking logo (the Scottish Blue, the Confederate Red, the Korean Yin, among others, indicating field type of kill observed from Manx), with a particular specialty taken by the Manx if a field oeprative (a man, a chop, a woman, a pit).


O'Neill: Fraud Larceny.  A particular skill, is developed, to remove a man cooperating with authority, the mark, if particular assistant is present to mark the man as being able to escape, the "cop", a grab, with the snatch, being the individual setting up themselves to be frauded, the "cunt", with the "rag", being the larceny reproduction of technique, through "found", the stolen form, "God".  If the O'Neill, has been betrayed, they will invoke precognitive vision of afterlife, to protect friend, and if betrayed with familiar, black cat's hair, then a wytchsfyre will be induced, the line will severe with the black cat's hair being refused children, from own child; if child already black cat's, and O'Neill, the O'Neill will kill themselves, however if the parent is not O'Neill, they will be Jewish by convert.  The fraud larceny is performed, through the fraudulent individual stolen from, against whomever robbing of vision of end, by placement of bonds in profit given to O'Neill from familiar, at profit of "cunt" through "rag" politics, the rag collapsing, a "twat", a virgin.


Breton: Choice Refused.  If someone forced you to choose, after contact with a Breton, a hand shift occurs.  Each individual, demanding "choice", a blade's duel, will become friends, with a homosexual male, turning them heterosexual, nd bequething their spouse to them, for an act of bigotry against spouse.  A knife fight, will occur, with open blade, between individual having been forced to choose after contact with Breton; if the individual has chosen themselves, then the knife fight, will be at hands of the individual aggrieving the Breton by accusation of gender fault, hence the individual aggrieving, will kill his lover, a woman, through murder of her fiancee, the reason for the choice on self by champion, the alignment of champion through witness, into serial killer, with expanding conspiracy countering politician having placed the traitor to the Breton, within range of the champion that has selected the self.  Otherwise, marriage occurs, with the knife fight's victor, if proven honest to the Breton, by an act of rape of the Breton, without suit; the Breton will rape otherwise, in an act of abortion, if a female, then impregnated by incubus theft of sperm of the female's father, or she dies without seed to place, or if a male, the abortion will be against male's bride, if he is homosexual, then the homosexual will be married to the Breton's father, in an act of rape.


Longshanks: Witchcraft Hounds.  If a defense witness is dishonest, they will be led to trial, to face magistrate, judge, arbiter, counselor, teacher, or professor, in a trial of heresy, voluntary if the defense witness is a pedophile and has taken it themselves, mandatory if a fraud by the police or state, and forced both ways if a parent has been involved, therefore the parent is a pedophile.  The defense witness, will be placed as accusing the judge, of being the accused plaintiff, with the defendent then as the accusing party from the heresy, to the judge, to undo them.  If the game is cheated, dominos must be played, and the defending individual, has taken prosecution witness, a criminal conspiracy, demanding the murder of the individual having presupposed the conspiracy, hence the accused, will be the magistrate, and the accuser, will be the lawyer of trial when in testimony.  If witchcraft has been invoked by police, then the trial will be a null, and a minstrel will make a song, to drive the witness blind, and the witness alone, hence making any testimony against the falsely convicted man, impossible. 


Lennox: Othello. The Sultanate, will produce a work of art, canon, comic, literature, or film, where it is Othello, the witch, that takes the the fiction as fact and attempts to play it, therefore proving themselves dishonest by playing life as a stage.  The trap will occur, when the resemblances to other players, become factual to each, however they will deviate from the stage's set, and Othello, will be the individual attempting to infiltrate the halls of gambling and drinking, the wealthy and poor like, the common revelry of peers and freedom.  Othello will then mimic a figure of history, as a media reputation, eventually going down as a multiple personality disorder, in public spotlight, as a mogul, the term for a producer of fiction with a studio's backing.  The Sultan's company, will then inherit the studio, by acclaim of fans, Othello having outed himself as an anti-Semite, a Sultan, however a man or woman of low means, one who doesn't drink alcohol or smoke marijuana regularly.


York: The Fake Doctor.  Should you attempt to choose a career for another, a York may elect to become a psychiatrist, having selected business training, then attaining a medical degree in any work of his or her own choice, except psychiatric work.  The individual choosing the career, will be tempted with the trade of a doctor,  but be feared of becoming a murderer in accusation, hence they are one, through myths spread by the fake doctor, the York, degreed and trained, as any man will be, or could be.  The York, however, will understand accounts of ledger, and will know how to perform hospital research, into each patient, doctor, or piece of research, framing each as the draft of career, however as a serial killer, but phrased as a police officer.  Then, the job counselor in falsehood, will be framed as the serial killer of his own choice, the frame of the York among another British Knight's line, for being a doctor that refused his trade for business, the cause of the mishap.


Muhammadan: The Sand Trap.  Tradition, is regarded as a trap, when followed by family line, by descending role, out of wedlock, without extended mating of terms to determine compatibility in trial housing, or more importantly, homosexually or with monetized goal of alliance for marriage.  The tradition is given out, only with marriage or dating, and to follow the false tradition, is foolish, anything of the clergy passed from discussions of the deceased or departed, whereas the proper form, is outside stocks of food and marriage bonds of treasury, always cheated by framing another Muhammadan as a pedophile, in an irrational situation, where the marital broker following a text of disaster has a hysterical attack, and becomes obese, as if they've found themselves trapped within sand, actually having become a mud person.


Tibetan: Refusal of Form.  If someone is hunted by local police, a Tibetan will volunteer as a police officer, and mark as a heterosexual, within the local mandates, refuse the framed man or woman, then mark the heterosexual sign, in police manuals, as homosexual and reversed in culpability of law.  That way, anyone enforcing the police mark designed to frame a man, for mark selected's meaning, will be targeted as a pedophile, by own children, and engage in a criminal practice of low labor; the terminology set being the refusal of an actual job or hours, instead preferring the "quixotic", the term created by Tibetans for being a celebrity in a police beat as a joke from their father's own rage at the mismarked item.


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