Cambodian Primer
Prince: Vietnamese pearl divers. Typefied by "crocodile tears", unable to emote song to realified form. They don't know what joy is, they have it at all times.
Qureshi: The mustache man, with a vagina. Arab women, wearing a "pachi",a red and white cross-hatch sheih, the head dress commonly associated with Arab men. Rules on clothing, therefore diet, among "Jews", those disliked for reasons of intellect. A notoriously dumb people.
Dungannon: A chandala variant, the grave diggers of India; inventors of the wheelchair, through the chandala line, chaining multiple sclerotics, the Kings, to Hell, their invention, "Christianity", with death, birth defect, disease, poverty, starvation, and suffering as the result. The Dungannon variant, of the chandala, is known as a criminal's keeper, picking up archaic forms of criminal fraud, always related to children's exploitation, chiefly to make music with self as victim, to create new movements in enemy of own movement assorted.
Roosevelt: Known for having a diaphorous sarcophagus nasel disorder, an extra esphogual tube is present, making anything they do or say preserved in history, particularly when in "great pain". Often mocked, by England, for having invented myths backwards, through influence of "Romani", the word they invented; influence of word alone, marking children of prostitutes with bondage submissives stolen on their orders; often undone, however, with the presence of a "Grey", a peace agitator that's actually a "Gremlin", a professional militant hunter of lesbians, their servants.
Taft: A switch tryptich of weight loss and gain, switching between muscular and obese, per generation. A German line, known for being pleasant in the destruction of others, often claiming tears and sobbing "chocolates", their pleased farts, however mistaking victims of other lines as fellow Tafts, a "chocolate berry", when assisted into their own financial demise. Founders of the Masonic Lodge, the narcotrafficking and narcotics prevention forces, of the military, taking away drugs to harm; undone by witch trials, related to narcotics, where the wealthy are purgatoried for performing drug use, removing drugs from the poor but leaving them in the rich, the entire Lodge undone from mercenary "French hire", out of Germany, with a myth in place from the culprit.
Bannister: A German line, the "goodwife", known to spread myths of hobgoblins and sinners through use of Leibniz, the math they developed while frauding Isaac Newton, in England. Leibniz, inducing a condition known as 'psychopathy wilderness', is only countered by the use of the word 'retarded' to refer to simplistic mathematical logic, hence calculus is removed entirely, the proper form prior and after Newton, assuming even Leibniz to never exist. The proofs involved, applied to art, therefore, culprit hunt those hiring the Bannisters for their logistics and appliances.
Nixon: A line of colon retardant, their colons retain moisture, for a poor smell typefied by a scent similar to sweat, actually their inner bowel moldering with fear and anger, the "graceful passion of God", as their admirer, Stanley "Lee" Leiberman, of Marvel Comics, called it. Spider-Man, was built on their legend, that of a wall crawling menace, someone that would monitor you through federal forces, to make sure you made their press, copy, news, and petty literature, just like they wanted; without masturbating.
Pratt: A lower line of Nixons, born into the Scythians, they are mostly useless, having been confronted with "anti-Semitism" from "Jews", the "Jewish anti-Semitism", their entire life, by the O'Neills, Clan Nihil, of the Steppes of Russia, often confused as to the origin, placing such defects into the other lines of the homoerotics. Noted for preferring gay police officers dating food services at force, for their couplings, however the least powerful among Steppes people; still slightly better than the rest of the dykes, because they understand transgender, as a fake diagnosis, created by delusion when refused by men (a common state of repose, given the blubbery nature of the vagina compared to the bosom and buttocks of the Vietnamese Clans listed).
Rodham: A line out of Spain, the Rodhams feature a salamandar blooded internal pulminory system, with a male placed in reverse sexual position upon ascension to leadership, the prior position taken with self as victim secondary to rise to power. This way, the male leader, can place the Rodham, as a proxy to national declaration and policy applied to country, through postured treatment towards Rodham requested by the malleable putty nature of personality, the shift of self as demanded treatment of national policy, from male leader abused until rising to power as appearing victim to own country's population.
O'Riordan: The most savage and vicious of the Kampucheans, these ones perform a high financial service for a military household, only accepting paramilitary and criminal hire, at the expense of a father's semen stolen, the father of an actress, to breed back in. Once "infirmed", they have produced and banqued a new line, they will volunteer their death for new "slaves", those involved in the conspiracy to kill them, unable to kill another O'Riordan in the future, their entire profession open to more hires of O'Riordans.