Campus Intelligence
Cobra Intelligence: The campus DARPA police services, CI is a branch of MKULTRA specializing in information services, out of an economics, resource economics, political economics, commodity sciences, business, communications, history, or education degree, but not literature, psychology, or marketing. Taken from the Ryonkoden Yakuza, of Japan, the car thieves and pornstar men, this is initiated by appearing in pornography while at first attempt at secondary school, with an older woman, and sometimes, for a foreign services contract, drug running to a family apparation of ‘God’, or equivalent term, the dodging of a marriage trap set by government service; this being purposed for international sales of good, within proper film of ethnic business, not player on stage, devoted to one per career, however many movies change hands alongside poems. Poetry, is the mathematical helix, necessary to keep a sample of poetry from before drug use, to rewrite mathematical helix in poetry modified after hand broken (suicide sequence), to turn over to broker at origin of bowel delipatidory (guard against others picking up method of theft and moniker of mark). This is to avoid frame.
Downclass: this is now an improper referenced article of usage, it’s been parodied, and it was refused by an indexed mercenary in the country of influence.
Downsize: this is now a removal of management, the leadership was found incompetent, to rights of workers of most common base of pay scale per region specialized of subsect of workers.
Downhouse: this a military property that became dangerous, the real estate now given to the police forces, to arrest any military pursuing a career through family beyond police or civilian or education or, if a criminal asset, espionage as a male or female leadership asset, MI-6 or Mossad, in model, male MI-6, female Mossad.
Closer: this is now a worthless property to your prime lawyer litigator, offering proper pay to those employed, for movement within the organization of property upscaling to common notice of charity philanthropy from foreign country.
Hatchet: this is now an improper economic broker to deal with, by virtue of acceptance or negotiation observed through broker to enact draft of business to public sector.
Criminal: this individual has violated rules of non-disclosure, through family having discovered line of work in truth, hence the movement is given to civil rights with song (free work for any seeking particular trade, at rights of profit offered for participation or else movement declaring as communist through double-said, own leadership declaring foe as communist in own morals), and individual is refused the right of working as an independent worker through method of castration; then moving to informations agent, to spread trade.