Turkish Nestorian
British Nestor Turkey: Bond, is a media platform, like any other movie. Bond's job, is to publicly take an enemy of Israel to task, on behalf of a Rabbinical movement, inside Turkey (Nestor). Each Bond, per actor (including the new leading lady, if the "player" survives) has to have a new intelligence theory.
Sean Connery: John Hangrid, Japanese video game theory. He would be tortured, his foes in pit fights representing a military strategy to take down the foe. "Mike".
Roger Moore: Steven Charlebois, media expletive theory. A Hitler alcoholic, as Israeli, would lie on a report, to use the movies, to take down an enemy, thus supporting a Jewish investment takeover.
George Lazenby: John Scott Lennox, a single coded ampersand, placed into a war, to win it, at expense of ground intelligence, converting a criminal model into worldwide tourism revenues.
Timothy Dalton: Martha Coakley II, A placement on the ampersand bet, actually a woman, placing a single educated book division, into the Vatican, to seal the Jews into a tomb, supplanting the Knights Templar with ground divisions of "troops", teachers.
Pierce Brosnan: David S. Charlebois, each Bond as the villain, multiple villains played as white, each labeled a sex offender on defeat and registered as the true identity of the agent, using Roger Moore as a cover strategy.
Daniel Craig: David M. Charlebois, the Brosnan strategy, however as the Jethro Tull bassline, a grandfather clock, 5-1-4-2-3, targeting union intelligence dominating police to rule from the bottom, therefore stripping negligible asset threats before approaching villain while villain, Bond, used C-List movies from Blockbuster, countering self with Tarantino, Tarantino a trap for the C-List, but if countering others.