
Armenian-Jewish Culture: Armenian Jewish culture, is based upon a concept of "The Mob", a support of a criminal syndicate in legitimate oath to government. Upon manipulation of law, they serve a foreign sect, posturing them as victimized, when in fact the alleged victim is the hiring party, of a scheme for slavery labor, the original cause of the Islamic invasion of Israel and Mesopotamia, to free slaves from Slavic-Jewish Catholic slavery. The Armenians, a rotund and busky people, large and muscular, have their cousin, the Jewry, large and fat, found of gesturing by thrusting their thighs in threat, often mocked by their victims as thrusting their skinny hips against hard surfaces, an act of claim of homosexuality against nearby Armenian-Jews, for support in the heterosexual community (those able to bear seed, from having an unusual glastule count in childhood, secured as a challenger and therefore immune the second having thrusted in view of a homosexual, a man that has received sodomy from a dildo larger "than his thigh", three inches, or a non-plug, Armenian-Jews relying on bondage culture to assume "soldiers", men that can't hold in their shit when aroused by a challenge).

Armenian-Jewish Culture: Armenian-Jewish culture is based on thievery, from a petty print, using Amish to ascertain labor formulas once the Armenian character has been placed as protagonist, from the managed culture, the "petties", those from a prior culture exploited by slaves and sold as "fiends", those in mutual culture but transcribed into forebearance, plus one character, the target character, a politician to make alcoholic falsely, the "Folly", the attempted partner in payment, prior to contract, disastrous if not hired, resultant in "Claimant" if a "Joke", they are bollocksed, an intelligence service was selected.

Forerunner: The first man on site, is always a homosexual, chosen by wearing spiked hair, the sign of a "gook tue-sang", the forebearer of the Vietnamese Mob from alleged theft of the term, actually slavery in the 9th century in China with Armenian-Jews supplying manpower to conquer the pearl market. "Gook", is an Armenian term, for a servant of the Jewry, in slavery, for own lusts of pornographic photos of self, in childhood, in exchange for meal, their entry level figure to announce an attraction on market in "lockers", a room of sporting or athletics, especially before highschool or inside, the act of pedophilia necessary to secure slave labor (prior to this, bath houses or waterfall canopies in Africa).

Trapped: This is the individual set of men and women drawn into the scheme, the sales of purchase returned. They have made a free acquisition, sent to party upon free lewsletter, "chain mail", the bullion, and then have been returned to purchase by prior suit, that of litigation already determined in a court of "ryches", a fake British appeal to manipulate Judeo-Christian ideal, not actual letter of torte, to intimidate drafts.

Enforcer: This is the "sterling", to take down the "bullion", unless a "bat", then a "snake", but also if a "joke" formed, then a target for "slave", but "sklavin" if emboldened to women, and if refusing, "gay", unless "prostitute's mark", then a genocide has occurred, from enforcer being "thrown off the roof", accused Russian ties, a Stalinist purge of Jews occuring in Europe and the Near East (Slavic homes), from the enforcer selecting a "dub" (a royal, someone with a royal's dimple on the back of the neck).

Secret Alliance: A royal in town has to be chosen to betray, the "Night", or also known as "the Rose", a man or woman that is royalty and is selected as a "Messianic Jew", a Gentile (not a Goyim, not someone outside of Noah or Necromancy's line, Arab the latter). They are threatened by the Armenians, to be taken into the confidence of the chief dictate, and if he has dodged, then a "disaster" has occurred, it is a scramble to "snuff" the operation. Otherwise, it continues, federal authorities having drawn attention to the hiring party, and they are to be labeled as guilty of the means sought to prevent their predicted intelligence of any manner.

Lawyer: This is the individual that ascertains the scheme of draft of slave, who cannot drink or do drugs, and instead beats his son, the enforcer, until the mission is purviewed and complete, then they select the location with which to gain the fruits of their labors upon payment from, a resort destination.

Primo: The enforcer if successful, the future primo, the individual that calculates with hiring party, their necessary labeled brain, beaten brutally and drunk on "wets", vodka, since a young age, until gaining membership in the "brotherhood", a network of senior veterans of intelligence, unless "krysha", thrown off the roof, then of course labeled a criminal and placed in prison, for being defeated by a "Royal Beat", someone that has betrayed the royal alliance because they felt molested by the selected "moil", the girl, they were an anti-Semite, therefore, the game is off. If continued, then the slaves are now victims of the state, and if there is no international outcry, then the war shall be lost, by the responsibility of the "Goon", the man that refused a girl on behalf of his mother, the genetic one, even lost upon birth, a "lorenzo's oil", falsely popularized as "Lakini's Juice" by the band Live.

Hiring Party: The hiring party, is always a broker, out of a Synagogue, in Israel, of the Holy Sepulchre, in exchange for vodka, always imbibed by the Armenian-Jews on Purim, and then every day after after hire, for the Poluchure, the purchase of souls, in the rivers deep of helm's forge. The more powerful he is, the more vital it is to select the proper woman for the champion, and if he's a rival, then he's a Shadow Letter, the Beat is a Goon, the cause is doomed. If he can't be destroyed, then it will be a new epoch, and a new Crusade, and a Death of Armenia. A little town, grown to meat, on Russian wine exports, snuffed by Arabs, for enslaving Semites.

Export of Slave: The slaves are given any form of legal entrapment, and trapped inside Amish hired fiction, with the "villains", the servants unto God, not understanding their purpose, and the "Yards", the Sets, the art warriors understanding the technical contracts, using the "Heroes", the Jewry, as leverage.

Opposition in Islam: Islam opposes this, demanding all be paid a fair wage, and if violating, a Muslim, a homosexual, a man who wishes a uterus, the product of gay culture, Islam, not practiced by Islamists, only Muslims, the concepts of rules of diet and day and structure and algorithm, the latter of rules insanity, the prior clean health, a free life and no particular structure binding, through algebraic buoyancy bartered with bacon, legal in Islam, illegal in the Muslim practice.

False Islam (Judaism): The rules of life are Judaism, and if Islam is false, then a belief in God, Allah, or another parent, Islam instead the code of espionage, determining "gay" by meekness or refusal to admit truth or open discourse, the homosexual a Muslim, to be culled with homophobia, the refusal of embezzling, spying, stalking, invasions of privacy, physical touch, involvement in non-violent criminal pursuits, or otherwise, a restriction on speech and conversation instead of inquiry into understanding. A homosexual, closes their mind, while a spy, to be determined if competent, actually attempts to understand others through discourse, not monologue, a heterosexual, not a homosexual.

Championship of Rival (Shadow Letters): The Swing Kids, sometimes Jewish, sometimes otherwise, each have an initiated stage of drink or draught or drug or trick, each one a Hebrew Letter, to confuse the Jewry, the actual code of the day, each trick unique to the individual picking a letter, the letters interchangeable and multiple incarnations possible. Otherwise, a traitor has been detected, particularly upon edit, and if ignored, then a Rival Champion has shown themselves, a Superman, a Gentileman.


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