
Showing posts from January, 2022

Literary Industrialism

Roman Sculpture Theory of Fiction: In  the events of man, there comes a time when a certain class of man, an espionage man, must be excised from society and placed inside a different world, that of the arts. A safer, more sane world, for him, due to new combat advances in technology necessitating this man, once perhaps the noble Dortmouse, the painter of paired sparring technology, into the Jewish comic book writer; you see, a cheerleader, necessary to teach Shaolin police dynamics such as holds, binds, and tonfa chokes, pins, and wrenchlocks, would inspire a young Dort named Adolf Hitler, to attempt to get her to grow a penis, with a painting. While this was intended to induce a sparring position, for his own penis to grow, it drove him impeccably mad. Now, you have Bruce Wayne, a product of Rotary Lodge “ice” driver (soda confections delivery) man Jelly Charlemagne, to John Jacobs “Bob Kane” Lennox, the new Jewish comic books editor. By day, Jelly, Achilles, delivered to the Memp...


Taxation Theory: A legislature, is the generalized term, for a body of lady, functioning under a constitution, the term for a Native American (Mestizo) term of congress, a body of citizens of common representative. The term of representation, varies per country, for international trade, of course differing per citizen in view. A terrorist, under modern United Nations policy, the international congregant, can be spotted in seeing whom sees another system besides their own, or any system, as illegal. Congress (American): The states system of representation, an elector of Senate is representative of states body of thought for internal distribution of marijuana through Canada for control of Governor, and a Representative body on wealth of citizens local to New York City is representative in population body divided by size of estate from Canada north of the Rocky Mountains is divided upon divestiture for body of legal weight. There are two forms of body in Committee, divided by Party collec...

Neanderthalis Mutancy Genes

Sociopathic Genes by Breeding: The mutancy gene, has long been targeted by Homo sapiens neanderthalis, for intermarriage, when a worthy gene has been selected and located for intermarriage. There are many famous example of merged inwards, or new line, the merge inwards occurring for a bested line, and the new family being the result of a vested line. If a line has been defeated, but was worthy after defeat, they are merged inwards per similar mutation noted, a retainer family, until there is a sufficient victory inside cloisters of matriarch’s religious form, for a new family to form, out of a merger with the Noahim, as a heterosexual male Noahim, coupling with a female dowager, from the bested family. O’Neills (Irish): Virgil of Rome (pelemplotic eyes of diffuse color), Samhain of German-Alpiers (triple contortion immunity to ligament damage), Julius Caesar (unique pattern per attempt of task, building into more rhythmic and complex forms of coherency within ‘wild pattern’, “The W...

The Founding Fathers of the Yakuza

  A Brief History of Japan: In the late 19th century, the time came, for Japanese imperialism. Halted, due to the advent of the dominatrix, by Marco Polo (rumored in fact to be French, by Chinese women, who had had their feet crushed by the Emperor, seeking a way to make his wife more potent, for his political accounts and book keeping), the Japanese decided to expand again (on pressure from the French Navy, a recent trade partner, 'party'). Note: These have been reproduced, as a trio, in every Japanese work of video games, art, or board gaming, ever since, as a core set of heroic characters, with the preferred player embodiment, intended as the form it helps you counter in any reproduction of the series in a ‘flashie’, a children’s game meant for education, fun, or learning software.   Tojo: The Gentleman Adventurer's club, a group of wealthy hitch hikers from around Europe, were given rifles. Whereas the standard model of an attack force was 'specialists',...


  Depression: You contemplated homosexuality, but turned yourself over to psychiatric care instead, to make you more violent and aggressive when demanded compliance. Schizophrenia: you were given medication, but didn’t need it. Bipolar: you had a suicide attempt, because of a homosexual teaching you religion, instead of your wife. Schizo-Affective: you have a pedophile in the family, that placed you in an alcoholics anonymous program, believing you were gay, but you weren’t. Uber Personality: you’re a genius, whose father has speech impediment. Homicidal Disorder: you are in a stepfamily, and were forced to admit a live parent, as a dead one, in title or rank. Psychopathic Disorder: you had an IQ over 110 in kindergarten (you learned how to read periodicals), but were placed with a low functioning homosexual who couldn’t judge your IQ (the low functioning homosexual, had sex with dogs, cats, mice, or dead bodies, ranking downwards in their poor function). Addict: you have consumed ...

Japanese MacArthurist

  The Inferior Times: A culture ruined by General Douglas MacArthur, Japan has fallen to crime and poverty, once a great ally of the French and of the English. Sided against, by racist English and French seeking wives, at the expense of the preferred Irish, the ignoble savages in the minds of the Japanese, the Japanese were betrayed during the Great War, World War 1 (their own name, insisted upon in the history books, so they would be avenged in World War 2, with little shame besides their daughters, to hope that the entire rout happens again to slay British and French-Colonials, the simpering lipped men of Britain, the queening eyes of the French to other men). The Irish, were seen as the superior combatants, besides to the Viet-So, Vietnamese women rounded harshly for believing a name was ethnicity, instead of punishment of sexual act preferred, seen demetorious in culture due to the halls of power and prestige associated (English foot worship, or French queening, both preferred ...


Order of the Holocaust: The Holocaust was committed by deluded homosexuals under American-Catholic orders, by Adolf Hitler (a prison bitch's son), Benito Mussolini (a Catholic-Jew), Hideki Tojo (a Nun's rape victim), the Romanian Iron Guard (comic book fan Slavs), the Ustashe (Croatians schooled in French cuisine), and Sinn Fein (severe addicts in Ireland who could barely function or write or speak, but otherwise had technical labor jobs from doing steroids, a new invention). Here are their victims: Criminal Prisoners: Anyone qualifying as an actor, psychologist, or police officer, inside Catholic code, ordered by the children of prison rape victims who had police authorization and raped a man their first night in. Communists: Anyone involved in propaganda, writing, or a university, that a Nazi couldn’t get into, or compete with, because they had private authorization from their parents or a political connection thereof. Homosexuals: Anyone that was overweight, besides Herman G...